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What’s the personal color analysis ? Which hair color suits me?

While professional color analysis is often done by image consultants or stylists, you can perform a basic assessment at home to get an idea of your personal color palette. Here are some steps you can follow
  1. Determine Your Skin Undertone:
    • Warm Undertones: If you have warm undertones, your skin might have a yellow, peachy, or golden hue. Look at the veins on your wrist – if they appear more greenish, you likely have warm undertones.
    • Cool Undertones: If you have cool undertones, your skin might have pink, blue, or purple undertones. If your veins appear more blue, you likely have cool undertones.
  2. Assess Your Eye Color and Hair Color:
    • Certain eye and hair colors can also provide clues about your undertones. For example, people with blue or green eyes and blond, brown, or black hair might lean towards cool undertones, while those with brown eyes and warmer hair colors might have warmer undertones.
  3. Try the White vs. Ivory Test:
    • Hold up a piece of white fabric next to your face and then do the same with a piece of ivory or off-white fabric. See which one complements your skin tone better. If white looks better, you may have cool undertones, and if ivory looks better, you may have warm undertones.
  4. Analyze Your Reaction to Certain Colors:
    • Pay attention to how your skin reacts to different colors. If you notice that you look particularly vibrant and healthy in certain shades, take note of those colors.
  5. Experiment with Jewelry:
    • Try on both gold and silver jewelry. People with warm undertones often look better in gold, while those with cool undertones may prefer silver
Here’s a general guide to hair colors that might complement different seasonal color palettes
  1. Spring:
    • Hair Colors: Light and warm tones, such as golden blondes, honey browns, and strawberry blondes. Lighter shades that have a sun-kissed effect work well.
  2. Summer:
    • Hair Colors: Cool and soft tones, such as ash blondes, cool browns, and cool blacks. Silvery or platinum blondes can also complement the cool undertones of the Summer palette.
  3. Autumn:
    • Hair Colors: Rich and warm tones, such as auburn, chestnut brown, and deep reds. Warm highlights like caramel or copper can enhance the overall look.
  4. Winter:
    • Hair Colors: Dark and cool tones, such as jet black, deep browns, and cool-toned blacks. Platinum or icy blondes can also complement the cool undertones of the Winter palette.
Keep in mind that personal preferences and variations in skin undertones can influence how certain hair colors look on an individual. If you’re considering a significant change, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional stylist for personalized advice based on your unique features and preferences.   Musubi team

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